Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May 19th , Morristown and Washington's Crossing

Our 1st stop on our American Founding Father's trip was Morristown NJ.
A great little town with a Common "green" in the middle of town with a bunch of statues commemorating some eventful Happenings.

This is a picture of the Presbyterian church on the green.

 The Marquis de Lafayette,Colonel Alexander Hamilton, Sam Galzerano and George Washington
Here's a couple of statues on the Green.
Colonial Settlers and a trusty dog.

After lunch we went to the top of the hill that overlooks Morristown and there are remnants of the Fort named Fort Nonsense (i think the original Fort was called "The Hill")

After Morristown we went to Washington Crossing and this is where from all we learned is "where George washington and the troops crossed the Delaware on December 25-26 1776.

The following is s a picture of McConkey's Ferry Inn, the tavern that Washington and his crew visited prior to crossing the river

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