Saturday, June 4, 2011

6/4/11 ; an adventure out the back door and up the river

The captain directing.......

came across this den when i stopped for a break; though it was kinda cool looking. i did not venture in it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial day and 1st week of June

Tricia and i went out to the New Hampshire State Veterans cemetery for the Memorial Day Service. It was a beautiful and solemn day and we both enjoyed the people there and the service honoring all those that gave their lives in service to our great country.

Interesting to me was that all the federal Republican Representatives attended the service but our Senator Jeanne Shaheen "unfortunately " couldn't make it. Thank you Kelley Ayotte, Charlie Bass, and Frank Guinta. God Bless you all.

Saw this tank on the way home and had to take a shot of it.

Went to Stella and Doug Scamman farm in Stratham, next town over and we got to see Mitt Romney announce his candidacy for President

John Henry Sununu and guess who?

Mitt and Ann Romney

the damn press.........