Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th in one the 13 Original Colonies

Home sweet home.

Tricia and i went swimming this morning down to the bridge and back.

We went to UNH to watch the fireworks with our NJ friends ; The fries were good here. here's Bob, Bev and Tricia

Oh..Here are the Newmarket Militia there were the Honor Guard at the festivities.

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

June 30th - July 3rd.

Monday we went to Worcester (D2E7 drug study) and afterwards we took the long way home and stumbled on this little town, Townsend Massachusetts. It had this great little town green , we got out and walked around the town common.

July 3rd we went to the seacoast. This lobster boat was dropping pots out where we were letting luke figure out how to swim.

there was this diver looking for what ever where we were swimming.

this back at the river behind our place. just washing off the salt from the sea.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 1st. Work, bike, swam

Went to work, the day just flew by. Biked for a while and swam to the bridge and back.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday Night

It's been rainy and humid, for a couple of days now; we went out for some fish and chips at the Old Salt.
This is the Memorial Bridge from Kittery to Portsmouth.

This is very New England and they are bad!!!