Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday 03/29/08

i took Tricia by the university of NH observatory and we found this old cemetery at the top of the hill; it was bittery cold out, the wind was blowing hard; kinda visually stunning and very cool, literally. I will go back to see how old the grave site is. it was just too cold to venture into the graveyard.

on the way home we stopped for a couple of beers and Tricia had "2" sea breezes.

Walking the dog yesterday

This is kinda close to where we live. Yesterday when i was walking the dog i had the camera and i heard the whistle and thought cool i'll take a picture. It was just an engine still kinda of cool in the snow and everything.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday morning; 3/28/08

It's currently snowing ; it's kinda nice. we did our errands yesterday so we'll probably just hang around today.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Peyton Place"

Spring is coming ; the rivers are melting; we took a ride up to the "real" Peyton Place, Gilmanton and Gilmanton Iron works , New Hampshire.

The following picture is actually Wolfeboro NH