Saturday, January 25, 2014

A cold Saturday morning but it is warming up

 A couple of cross-country skiers and a dog going up the river

A snowmobiler

Steve & Jackie the kids next-door created a hockey skating rink down below on the river . I thought was pretty cool I got to try it out maybe tomorrow.

This is Jackie

Tricia and I went to the beach.
We were the only ones there.

It was pretty cold and windy
We stop by an Italian restaurant on the way home it was pretty good and I'm pretty full. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


January 22, 2014

It's pretty cold out just having coffee and oatmeal this morning 

we went to the dry cleaners and the bakery(St. Anthony's bakery in Exeter).

Guess which movie we went and saw.

We went and had two beers at the front row pizzeria

We picked up the mail

And we opened letters from the family

Thank you Gloria , Craig, Edith, Monty,  Jeanie and Fremont.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday morning still snowing

 Just cleaned off the cars and I came in and I'm going to make a pot of coffee for Tricia and myself.

 A little later on this afternoon