Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Went up to Concord , yesterday

The past couple of days it has warmed up a bit and some of the ice is starting to melt away. There has been a lot of ice problems this winter with roofs , roads and homes.

luke's got cabin fever he dragged out all his toys down in the basement.

We took a ride out the "OLD New Hampshire Turnpike" (US 4) to Concord.
i asked Tricia if we could check out The Historical Society ; it turned out to be very cool.
This old Gilded eagle was on top of the Capitol till 1957 and was replaced with a "less aggressive right facing" (?) eagle.
hmmmmm wonder who had control of the house then?

What i particularly liked were these 2 American Revolutionary Flags both were New Hampshire Regiments

This shield was neat also .