Monday, June 11, 2012

Charlottesville, Monticello (Friday) and Montpelier (Saturday)


Tricia on the front porch

 Mr Levy's mom is buries here. (Uriah P. Levy bought Monticello and with his nephew Jefferson Monroe Levy had a lot to do with restoring Monticello)

 Thomas Jefferson's grave site and family.

This tree is said to have been around Jefferson's time.

Tricia loved the flowers but coudln't stand the heat.

At Montpelier. Tricia, James and Dolly 

The front of Montpelier

James Madison's grave site. Dolly's there too. 

 Sam at Madison's Temple

 on to Chancellorsville

We needed to stop for the necessities and stumbled upon 
Where Stonewall Jackson got fatally wounded.

We stumbled onto the 2012 Luminaria at the Fredeicksburg National Cemetery

We came back the next day to pay our respects and was solemnly awed at the stirring evidence of the tragic scope of this one event in the Civil War and knowing how much more there was. 

The Angel of Marye's Heights

The above picture is about where the New Hampshire Regiment fought at Fredericksburg right about where Tricia is standing. 
The Sunken Road

the last of the original Sunken Road still standing
 If you look in the windows you can see the bullet holes etc.

Innis House

Tricia wanted a view of the  Rappahannock River from the Fredericksburg side so we went to the Chatham house. Because of time we could not spend any time looking at the house there is a lot of history that we had to forego. i wanted to see the John Marshall house in Richmond and it was only open on this day so we beat it down to Richmond to see the John Marshall house. 

Chatham house in Fredericksburg

looking towards the Rappahannock River

John Marshall House.

John Marshall is one of my current projects i could not miss see his place. What a great tour.

We went to an old Tobacco Factory that is currently a very good and fun restaurant.

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